Sermon 2/9/2020

“Channels of Hope — Beacons of Light”

Guest Pastor Mary Council-Austin
Pastor Mary is a retired United Methodist pastor who has served congregations in Janesville-Beloit area, Fond du Lac, Racine, Neenah and Milwaukee. Pastor Mary served as the Assistant to President of Marian University for Diversity.

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2/2/2020 “What Does God Want from Us?”


Sermon:                What Does God Want from Us?

Theme:                  God calls us to a relationship of wholeness and humility through following Christ’s teachings and direction for our lives.

Purpose: The congregation will seek to practice humility and kindness.

Scriptures: Micah 6:1-8 God has shown you, do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.

Matthew 5:1-12 The Beatitudes.


What kind of person does God want us to become? How are The Beatitudes a reflection of what it means to be spiritually mature? What does it mean to hunger and thirst after righteousness? What is the real meaning of humility and how is it a part of a healthy Christian life? How does a life lived focused on ones own needs less a life than a life that is in joyful relationship with the world around us? How do we come to be people who live the beatitudes naturally?

To Listen please click HERE

5/12/2019 Sermon

Guest Preacher: Chaplain Darren Beachy

Pleading the 5th:
Honor Our Father and Mother

Scripture readings:
Ephesians 6:1-9
Exodus 20:1-12

Please click HERE to listen to the message.

2/03/2019 Sermon Communion & Souper bowl of Caring Sunday

Sermon:           “We Are Called to Love”        

Theme:            The people of God learn to put love first as they offer a message of healing that the world does not understand. 

Purpose:          To learn love with the power of humility.     

Scriptures:       1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Love is patient, kind, never boastful or rude.

                        Luke 4:21-30   Doubtless you will say to me, “Physician, heal thyself.”  Jesus confronts unbelief among his own community.


What does it mean to truly love as God commands us to love? What does it mean to love with humility, compassion, and grace? In what ways does love call us to seek healing and reconciliation for others? How do we learn to practice loving in a way that shines light of hope to the world? In what ways are Paul’s teachings of love in 1 Corinthians 13 a challenge for Christians to demonstrate their knowledge of God in all relationships?

April 22, 2018 Chaplain Darren Beachy

The parables in Luke 15 are about noticing what is lost and going on a search to find it. Those of us with the most have the most to lose. Would we notice who or what is missing from that which we have? And if someone is missing, are you willing to do whatever it takes to get them back?

Scripture Readings

First reading: Luke 15:1-10

Second: Luke 15:11-16, 25-32

Click here to listen 180422_001

8/28/2016 “When I Need to Be Reminded”

When I Need to be Reminded:

Have you ever forgotten a critical piece of information when you needed it the most? An important phone number, perhaps, or a password or even a name. Studies tell us that during a crisis the part of the brain that deals with memory gets a reduced amount of blood flow thus leaving us with lapses in memory. It is during these times when we need one another to help us remember what God has done for us.

Chaplain Darren Beachy160828_001

5/29/16 Guest Chaplain Darren Beachy

Guest Preacher: Chaplain Darren E. Beachy, M.T.S., PACC

Scripture for the sermon: Jeremiah 38:4-13

Title: Lessons from the Lesser knowns: Ebed-Melek

Scripture from New Testament: Matthew 25:31-40


Abstract: In Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff Richard Carlson writes, “Choose to be kind over being right and you’ll be right every time.” Holy Scripture is full of examples of “little things” of compassion and kindness. Jesus tells us by giving just a cup of cold water to someone who is thirsty we are actually giving it to Jesus himself.

Think of people who have done little things of compassion and kindness to you. There is a good chance they did not remember but you certainly did. Ebed-Melek challenges us to pad the ropesfor others and in doing so we fulfill the greatest command.

To listen click here 160529_001

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