August 5, 2018 – Churchnic Outdoor Worship, Communion.

Sermon:           Salty Neighbors

Theme:            We are called to focus on being Christ’s loving presence in the world.

Purpose:          The congregation will seek to find ways that they can be active, making a difference in the world.

Scriptures:       Colossians 2:8-17        Do not get caught up in philosophies or arguments, but know that you are forgiven through the death of Christ.

Matthew 5:13-16        You are the light of the world, you are the salt of the earth.



How can we be the “salt” that preserves and prevents decay in the community? What do we need to do in order to not become caught up in ideology or debates, but instead focus on doing things that bring hope and healing in the world? What causes neighbors to become divided or hostile towards each other? What are the vulnerabilities that cause people to become focused on insignificant differences rather than finding places of common hope and concern? How do we focus on developing the fullness of Christ’s wisdom?

Click HERE to listen to the message

July 29, 2018

Sermon:           Neighbors and Politics

Theme:            Those who are mature in Christ are able to be confident in their own politics without attacking other people’s points of view.

Purpose:          The congregation will learn to be healthy and wise in disagreement.

Scriptures:       Philippians 2:12-18     Do all things without murmuring and arguing, rejoice in relationship.

John 6:25-34   The people want a sign and want to eat their fill of bread without commitment.


How do we maintain a healthy ability to hold our points of view and opinions while allowing others to disagree with us? What are the traits needed to disagree and discuss as mature and authentic people? Why are some so easily upset by political disputes? What is the cause of discussions deteriorating into personal attacks and disrespectful language? Why are some unable to interact with the issues or concerns without feeling personally attacked? How as Christians (especially as Presbyterians) are we to teach others to engage in healthy discussion?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

July 22, 2018

Sermon:           Making the Neighborhood

Theme:            God’s people take joy in growing healthy relationships and reflecting God’s love in the way they treat others.

Purpose:          The congregation will reflect upon their attitude towards people who are close to them.

Scriptures:       Romans 13:8-14 Owe no one anything but to love one another, and be live honorably.

Mark 4:26-34  The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, what we sow is what will be produced.


What is our role in shaping the community around us? What is Jesus’ call on us for how we build relationships? What should we be doing to intentionally assist our community and our nation in growing to be wise and healthy in relationships? How do we develop skills to that enable us to be thoughtful in how we build up the healthy elements of relationship in the world around us?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

July 15, 2018

Sermon:           Neighbors Choose Words Carefully.

Theme:            Our words reflect the heart of our relationships with one another, which then become part of our relationship with God.

Purpose:          The congregation will reflect upon how they speak about others.

Scriptures:       James 3:13-18 Show your wisdom in your words and actions.

Mark 4:21-25  A lamp should shine, all will be disclosed and made clear.


How is your relationship with God reflected in the way you speak about the people who are around you? Do you use your words to build up and to encourage or do your words reflect bitterness, envy, or hostility? What happens to us when we are reflective of God’s love and presence? How does it feel to be someone who is consistent in showing and demonstrating the love of Christ?  What can we do to learn to reflect the wisdom of Christ?

Unfortunately we had problems with the recording so click HERE to download notes and text of the message.

July 8, 2018

Sermon:           Neighbors We Aren’t Sure How to Welcome

Theme:            God’s call crosses boundaries and causes us to be in relationships with people whom we hadn’t thought of as part of the family of God.

Purpose:          To call the congregation to let go of bias against people thought to be unacceptable.

Scriptures:       Acts 8:26-40    Phillip baptizes the Ethiopian Eunuch.

Mark 5:15-20  The man with the demon is rejected by his community and goes to proclaim Jesus among others.



Who have we found it particularly difficult to accept as brothers or sisters in Christ? In what ways have we allowed judgment or discrimination to affect our attitude towards other people? In what ways do we prejudge and distort perceptions of groups, cultures, economic groups, or backgrounds? What does that do to us as Christians? What does it do to the church’s testimony of Christ?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

July 1st, 2018 Communion Sunday

Sermon:           Are Those People Neighbors Too?

Theme:            The grace of God is for all people and we are called to not be partial in our acceptance.

Purpose:          The congregation will evaluate their own acceptance.

Scriptures:       Acts 10:34-48  God shows no partiality, Cornelius’ household is baptized.

Mark 6:7-13    Jesus sends the 12 disciples to all of the villages.



What does it mean to us that God sent Peter to proclaim salvation and healing to the people Peter formally thought were unacceptable?  What does it mean to us that God calls no one unclean or unacceptable?  Do we accept Jesus’ commissioning to go out to all people? What happens to our faith and our relationship with God when we are stretched beyond where we are comfortable? What happens to us if we deny extending God’s love to some people? How does it distort our relationship with God not to welcome others as brothers and sisters?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

June 24th, 2018

Sermon:           “Love Your Neighbor, Love Yourself”

Theme:            God invites us to relationships free of insecurity and grievances so that we may be healthy and joyful together.

Purpose:          We will examine the way in which we look down upon others and see the need for forgiveness in ourselves.

Scriptures:       Galatians 5:13-16        Love your neighbor, do not devour one another.

Mark 12:28-44 The greatest commandment – love your neighbor as yourself.


What does it mean to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength? In what ways does our love for God set us free from fears about the world and situations we encounter? How are holding onto past offenses and grievances a lack of trust in God’s ability to provide for us? What causes us to become bitter and resentful towards others? How does that affect our love for ourselves? What impact does our thoughts of resentment and attacking others have upon our ability to feel secure and at peace?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

June 17th, 2018, Father’s Day, Commissioning of Mission Volunteers

Sermon:           “Being Neighborly”

Theme:            We have to choose between practicing the love of Christ or giving into our fears towards the people around us.

Purpose:          The congregation will explore their anxieties and fears about the relationships in their lives.

Scriptures:       Romans 12:9-21          The character of love.

Matthew 22:34-40      You shall love the Lord your God, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.


What is genuine love?  How does our love for the people around us influence our relationship with God? In what ways does the way in which we relate to the neighbors with whom we are less comfortable make an impact on our relationship with Christ? How does our experience of God’s love and grace cause us to be less reactive and judgmental towards our neighbors?  What do we receive from learning greater compassion and grace?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

June 10th, 2018

Sermon:           “Who is My Neighbor”

Theme:            Faithfulness to God is not in religiosity but in compassion and care for those who are around us.

Purpose:          The congregation will become aware of the needs of the people who are around them, take time to consider the needs of those who are near them.

Scriptures: Leviticus 19:9-16, 33 Commandments regarding care for others.

Luke 10:25-37 Parable of the Good Samaritan



How does the law from Leviticus about providing for those who have less influence apply to us today? What is expected from us in terms of showing compassion and care towards others? Who are we responsible to show mercy and compassion? What difference does it make to our relationship with God for us to be compassionate and merciful? What difference does it make in our experience of the fears and anxiousness towards what is uncertain in the world around us?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

06/03/2018 Education Sunday, Communion, recognition of 20th anniversary of moving into the church building.

Sermon:           “Treasures in Clay Jars”

Theme:            The people of God have within them the precious and powerful gift of God’s love and presence.

Purpose:          The congregation will examine what is really important in their lives.

Scriptures:       2 Corinthians 4:5-12   We are treasures in clay jars.

Mark 2:23-3:6 The sabbath was made to serve humanity – God’s law is to bring healing and salvation.


What do we consider precious to us? In what ways do things serve us? In what ways do we find ourselves worshipping things? What is our relationship with the building that is the church? In what ways do we need to see Christ’s love and presence as something greater than things? How are we able to put our traditions and customs into service to God rather than sacrificing relationships to things that are not important?

Click HERE to listen to the message.

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